Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So, I TOTALLY forgot I had one of these bloggy-thingies. Haven't posted in years!
How did I recall this thing? Well, I didn't really. I stumbled upon it while narcissistic-ally searching for myself on Google, of course! Go figure.

So, a lot's happened, been to several conventions, improved my costume/ makeup, added a few more characters to my repertoire ( Him, Kano, Mello), and have moved to West Virginia for the summer to take on the task of scenic artist at Theatre West Virginia.
Crazy, I know.

So, things are going well. I'm now VERY HAPPILY single (turns out I'm not that great at that whole 'devotion' thing), and don't plan on changing that any time soon.

Spend my days somehow managing to get more paint on me than the set, and spend the night listening to an annoying room mate constantly skype his girlfriend and, with his big, booming actor voice, inform her (and everyone else living in this house) how horny she makes him while I'm trying to sleep. x_X

I'll try to keep updating this thing... but come on, you guys know I can't focus enough to- ooh, penny!