Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So, I TOTALLY forgot I had one of these bloggy-thingies. Haven't posted in years!
How did I recall this thing? Well, I didn't really. I stumbled upon it while narcissistic-ally searching for myself on Google, of course! Go figure.

So, a lot's happened, been to several conventions, improved my costume/ makeup, added a few more characters to my repertoire ( Him, Kano, Mello), and have moved to West Virginia for the summer to take on the task of scenic artist at Theatre West Virginia.
Crazy, I know.

So, things are going well. I'm now VERY HAPPILY single (turns out I'm not that great at that whole 'devotion' thing), and don't plan on changing that any time soon.

Spend my days somehow managing to get more paint on me than the set, and spend the night listening to an annoying room mate constantly skype his girlfriend and, with his big, booming actor voice, inform her (and everyone else living in this house) how horny she makes him while I'm trying to sleep. x_X

I'll try to keep updating this thing... but come on, you guys know I can't focus enough to- ooh, penny!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Imagicon 2010

I attended Imagicon 2010 in Birmingham, AL last weekend. I had a good time, but sadly, there were more negatives than positives.

First, I'd like to say this is only their second or third year. Hopefully, they learn from problems that arise, and improve.

The convention was held with a split venue (the first mistake). The science fiction, fantasy, and comic tracks were at the McWane Science Center, while the Anime and Paranormal tracks (how in the world do THOSE two genres end up together?) were halfway across town at Old Car Heaven. You had to take a shuttle between the two (or pay $5 for parking each time you left the McWane).

Then there were the shuttles. While nothing wrong with the shuttles in particular, it still made for a miserable experience. The shuttle travelled between McWane and OCH, which was a twenty minute round trip. Now, a twenty minute wait doesn't sound so bad, but lines to get on the shuttle were so long on Saturday that I ended up waiting three shuttles- an hour- before I could go. In this time, I missed several panels and events (though I did make some friends in the bus line =D ).

As far as the venues go, McWane was a neat place. There wasn't always something going on that fit my specific tastes at the con, so the exhibits gave me something to do. Unfortunately, it was still operating as the Science Center during the convention. This meant children, EVERYWHERE. Non-convention-going parents would give me evil glares because their children would scream and cry upon seeing me in costume (really, I'm not THAT ugly, am I? ;-;) I shouldn't be treated like that for normal convention behavior while at a convention.

Gaming was split up between the McWane and OCH- yet another bad choice (although I do find it funny that the table top gamers were in the basement).

Despite all the negatives, I did have fun. With the exception of a couple of pirate cosplaying staff, the people running the convention were friendly and helped add to the entertainment. The Aliens diorama (run by a predator cosplayer o.O) was well set up, though it could have been in better lighting for photos. The costuming panels were excellent. I learned quite a bit from those.

I will probably go to the con again next year, but only if they fix the split venue problem. Heck, I might volunteer to be staff.

Now, for Pictures!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Free Comic Book Day!

Going to Comix in-costume for Free Comic Book Day! Will be sure to post photos. As soon as I can lasso someone to be the camera holder for me. D:

By the way, I started a DeviantArt page.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Emperor Joker? D=

So, the way blogs are supposed to work, the blogger (me) researches all sorts of information on relevant subject material, and the bloggee (you) goes "Oooooh, Ahhhhh! Thanks for the information, omniscient blogger!"
Unfortunately, I'm finding slim to no information on what I want to talk about. Yes, I manage to suck at Google.

Apparently, Batman: Brave and the Bold is going to do a story arc of the Emperor Joker storyline. From what I've heard, Bat-mite will be in the episode. I'm not sure if he will be replacing Mtsl... Mytzy... Mjhasjkflghfkgsd. That GUY that bugs Superman all the time, or if he'll just happen to be in the episode for another plot point.

First: Information! Do any of you guys have information on this I don't? Will it be an animated film? A one episode plot, maybe a two-parter? I wanna know!

Second: Speculation! Emperor Joker is not my favorite story arc. Far from it. There were a few witty one-liners, but otherwise the entire concept was slaughtered with bad writing and inconsistent artwork. If this plot were taken seriously for an animated adaptation, it would likely suck horribly.
FORTUNATELY, it's Brave and the Bold we're talking about here. It has the zanney-ness of the 1960's show, with a few dark Batman aspects thrown in. If anything could make this story fun to watch, it's BATB. Here's hoping it's good!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Now Hiring

So, I said to him, "You know, Jim. If you keep this kind of behavior up, we might have to go from reprimands to just letting you go."

And he said nothing, because I had reprimanded him in the face with a .45 .

That's what he -gets- for hitting that speed bump too hard while I was drinking lemonade in the back seat. He made me spill it all over my new tie.

Monday, April 19, 2010

OOC Blog!

Yeah, it's not bad enough I give you guys those out-of-character videos. Now I'm doing it for blogs, too!
Well, I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew. I have papers due, I need to start looking for a summer job, and what did my dumb butt do? Audition for another play. Now I've got four rehearsals a week in a different city than I live. That was smart of me, huh? Oh well.
Currently finishing up a rough draft for a report of information on Non-Equity acting tours. It took me forever (and a few e-mails to actual professionals) to figure out what I was gonna write this paper on. Honestly, this paper is serving one of its purposes. The research I've done for this topic has let me know what I'm going to need to do to hope to be successful as an actor.
Now, if I could only figure out how to re-word all this. Honestly, this paper is crap. Oh well, good thing it's a first draft. I guess my professor will give me guidance on how to fix how screwed-up it is, and then I can rewrite it all NON-sucky.
Anyway, I've got some Joker Vlog ideas lines up, including a visit to a humane shelter in-costume, a threat to Catwoman, and the Phantasm having a little revenge on poor helpless Joker. D= You can probably expect these videos to start coming in during June.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Prom Paddling Predicament!

So,recently, in good ole Alabama, 18 students got in trouble for wearing apparently too-reavling prom dresses. The code was something along the lines of no cleavage, and skirts should not be six inches above the knee. While this may be a tad bit conservative for a public school, that doesn't sound TOO odd. Only just a little ridiculous.

No, no, but HERE'S the good part. The choice in punishment was 3 days suspension... or PADDLING. Given, these are juniors and seniors we are talking about: Far too old for paddling punishment, for sure, don't you think? That's not what makes this such a strange, sad little case. What disturbs me- yes, disturbs ME- is the fact that somewhere along the line, someone thought it would be appropriate to spank 17 year old girls- you know, minors? that the school had already deemed as "under-dressed". Really? Did anyone THINK about how that would look? Cuh-reeeepyyy. Well, that aside, 17 of the 18 skin-baring damsels prefered paddling to suspension. For some reason, I get the mental image of some eager middle-aged man smiling his creepy, redneck little smile as he carries out the sentence, but hey. I don't know that for sure, so I can't judge, right?
Hell yes, I can!

Honestly, I don't know what else to say about these "recent events" kind of things. There were things. These things happened. I wasn't involved, so aside from the creepy mental images of said spankings that I can't get out of my head, what else is there for me to really have an opinion about? I'll just say, good thing the guy doesn't live in Gotham, cause I'd love to let Harley turn the tables on him in the LEAST pleasant and most ironic of ways. Just 'cause it would be funny to see.