Monday, April 19, 2010

OOC Blog!

Yeah, it's not bad enough I give you guys those out-of-character videos. Now I'm doing it for blogs, too!
Well, I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew. I have papers due, I need to start looking for a summer job, and what did my dumb butt do? Audition for another play. Now I've got four rehearsals a week in a different city than I live. That was smart of me, huh? Oh well.
Currently finishing up a rough draft for a report of information on Non-Equity acting tours. It took me forever (and a few e-mails to actual professionals) to figure out what I was gonna write this paper on. Honestly, this paper is serving one of its purposes. The research I've done for this topic has let me know what I'm going to need to do to hope to be successful as an actor.
Now, if I could only figure out how to re-word all this. Honestly, this paper is crap. Oh well, good thing it's a first draft. I guess my professor will give me guidance on how to fix how screwed-up it is, and then I can rewrite it all NON-sucky.
Anyway, I've got some Joker Vlog ideas lines up, including a visit to a humane shelter in-costume, a threat to Catwoman, and the Phantasm having a little revenge on poor helpless Joker. D= You can probably expect these videos to start coming in during June.

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