Tuesday, March 30, 2010


You know, sometimes, it's the little things one enjoys. Sure, robbing a bank or beating Robin within inches of his life with a crowbar may be fun, and mass murder gets me in headlines and my own regular spot on the 10 o'clock news, but you just have to sit down and take a break, cuddle up to your current hostage, and totally throw them for a loop by watching an old Disney movie.
Now, now, I don't mean the amazing classics such as Lion King or Little Mermaid. Noooooo, apparently, Disney does EVERYTHING in their power to keep those from being found anywhere but yard sales. Instead, I put in a less-known but fun-to-watch DVD, "Hocus Pocus".

It came to my realization, after watching it after years and years, that no one gives to spits about the main character. For all anyone cares, little sister could have had her soul sucked through a jet engine, and with the exception of "yaboos", the love interest could have been eaten by a zombie.
No, no, no, it's ALL about the witches, with a little side of Binks the cat. The so-called heroes are written so horribly that I'm sure none of you can even remember their names without Google or Wikipedia or IMDB or some other crap!
But everyone remembers Winnie. Remember, Winnie, remember! Mnnnn, and at least all the GUYS remember Sarah. And... well, I'm sure SOMEONE remembers Mary.

Those witches made that movie. It goes to show- everyone loves the villains these days! So, why do I get no appreciation from vigilantes? Why can't Batsy just accept me for giving his life substance, watchability, good ratings? Probably has something to do with Jason Todd or Barbara Gordan or a few dozen Gotham citizens, or maybe that one time I tried to gas all the leaders of- ehhh, okay. So, maybe Batsy's got his reasons.

In any case, I need to get going. I've recently come into possession of a large amount of Rob Schneider films, and they'll be PERFECT torture for my current house guest.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig!

So, I can assume that, by this point, you have all (and by all, I mean the total of THREE people who have followed this blog so far- now I see who my TRUE minions are! D=< )heard about the Spider-Man movie franchise reboot. Oh, you haven't? Well, yeah. They're rebooting the Spider-Man movie franchise. This means old cast out, new cast in! Buh-bye, Tobey Maguire! Hello, uh... well. I'm not entirely sure if they've CAST anyone yet. The first two movies in the Spider-series were pretty good, but it seems the third movie had the same problem Batsy's third did. Well, the same problem OTHER than Joel Schumacher. It was just cheesey as a big, smelly block of biodegrading limburger. I mean, yeeeaah, they did a decent job giving Sandman a backstory and motivation, but the rest of the film was just crap!

In any case, I digress. If you want more information, here's an article for you guys.

Now, it's said that this will land our dear old Peter Chumbucket back in High School. That's all good and everything, I guess. I was just never much into the idea so strongly held in the comic books that an average, if not a little nerdy, High Schooler can develop webbing cartridges and high-tech trackers that work better than anything Uncle Sam's got. (On that thought, maybe we should send geeky high schoolers after ole' Osama.)

So. Anyone interested in this at all? Opinions? Tell me what you think! Leave comments, and all that jazz.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A little Info.

Yeaaaah, I could have chosen a much more popular blogging site for this. Just to let you guys know, you'll need a Google account to follow this blog.


That's right, I've caved into the pressure of joining the current decade... er.. century, or millennium, I guess?
In any case, this in no way means I am abandoning my vlog... any more than I already have, anyway. This is simply easier to update. However, it's also less flashy, less pretty, and gosh-darnit, it just DOESN'T have my face all over it!!

So no, you don't have to worry about me giving on on my pretty little videos. I love those a little too much!
At the moment, I'm just getting set up here. Don't worry your little heads, more content is on the way. If anyone has a request for specific content, I MAY be a gracious clown and let you have it. And oohhh, boy, will I let you have it. [[Insert the muah ha ha's here]]

Otherwise, I'll be posting ideas for potential problems I'll pose for a poor bat. Of course, that's really self-defeating, as I'm sure you-know-who will find and read this blog. Maybe that's what I WANT. Maybe, just maybe, he'll be forced to walk into a trap. And of course, he'll KNOW he'll be walking into a trap, so... huh. Wait. Why was this a good idea, again?