Monday, March 29, 2010

Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig!

So, I can assume that, by this point, you have all (and by all, I mean the total of THREE people who have followed this blog so far- now I see who my TRUE minions are! D=< )heard about the Spider-Man movie franchise reboot. Oh, you haven't? Well, yeah. They're rebooting the Spider-Man movie franchise. This means old cast out, new cast in! Buh-bye, Tobey Maguire! Hello, uh... well. I'm not entirely sure if they've CAST anyone yet. The first two movies in the Spider-series were pretty good, but it seems the third movie had the same problem Batsy's third did. Well, the same problem OTHER than Joel Schumacher. It was just cheesey as a big, smelly block of biodegrading limburger. I mean, yeeeaah, they did a decent job giving Sandman a backstory and motivation, but the rest of the film was just crap!

In any case, I digress. If you want more information, here's an article for you guys.

Now, it's said that this will land our dear old Peter Chumbucket back in High School. That's all good and everything, I guess. I was just never much into the idea so strongly held in the comic books that an average, if not a little nerdy, High Schooler can develop webbing cartridges and high-tech trackers that work better than anything Uncle Sam's got. (On that thought, maybe we should send geeky high schoolers after ole' Osama.)

So. Anyone interested in this at all? Opinions? Tell me what you think! Leave comments, and all that jazz.

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