Saturday, March 27, 2010


That's right, I've caved into the pressure of joining the current decade... er.. century, or millennium, I guess?
In any case, this in no way means I am abandoning my vlog... any more than I already have, anyway. This is simply easier to update. However, it's also less flashy, less pretty, and gosh-darnit, it just DOESN'T have my face all over it!!

So no, you don't have to worry about me giving on on my pretty little videos. I love those a little too much!
At the moment, I'm just getting set up here. Don't worry your little heads, more content is on the way. If anyone has a request for specific content, I MAY be a gracious clown and let you have it. And oohhh, boy, will I let you have it. [[Insert the muah ha ha's here]]

Otherwise, I'll be posting ideas for potential problems I'll pose for a poor bat. Of course, that's really self-defeating, as I'm sure you-know-who will find and read this blog. Maybe that's what I WANT. Maybe, just maybe, he'll be forced to walk into a trap. And of course, he'll KNOW he'll be walking into a trap, so... huh. Wait. Why was this a good idea, again?

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